Study of temperature dependence of zero bias conductance in a Nano-wire connected to a d-wave superconductor

Document Type : Full length research Paper



In this paper we study zero bias Conductance versus temperature in a junction which is located between a Nano-wire and a d-wave superconductor. We consider superconductor in two directions: (100) and (110). Based on scattering theory we calculate zero bias conductance versus temperature and potential strength of the junction and compare our results with bulk cases. Qualitatively, our results in (100) direction don’t show any difference with bulk cases, while the difference between a Nano-wire ( one dimensional metal ) and a two dimensional normal metal is remarkable when superconductor is in the (110) direction. On the other hand, in two dimensional cases, zero bias conductance is an increasing function of potential strength of the junction, while our results show that it is a decreasing function which is due to the disappearance of zero bias conductance peaks.
