The Study of Optoacoustic Excitation and Generation of First and Second Sound Waves in Superfluid Helium4 Considering Electrostriction Mechanism

Document Type : Full length research Paper


Farhangian University-Instructor


The present paper applies an optoacoustic method for generation of the first and second sound waves in superfluid helium4. Two wave equations related to pressure and temperature vibrations in time unit are concluded using linear hydrodynamic equations and conducting numeral calculations, and two thermal and electrostriction mechanism are observed. Analyses incurred in this paper are related to crystal parts of superfluid helium. Absorption coefficient of these crystal parts is nearly zero, and the only dominant mechanism is electrostriction one. Two sound waves are studied including first sound wave that is propagation of pressure vibrations and second sound wave that is propagation of temperature vibration in superfluid helium4. We shine laser light in the form of a continuous wave on superfluid helium4 after generating wave equations, and observe generation normal first and second sound waves and fast and slow sound waves in superfluid helium4.We Also observed that reducing of the laser beam radius amplitude (w), increases the pressure and temperature vibrations amplitude in superfluid helium4.


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