Investigation of THz waves propagation in MoS2 monolayer between two dielectric media

Document Type : supplement



Today, exclusive optical properties of monolayer Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) as a two-dimensional semiconductor has found upsurge attention. In this paper, Fresnel equations are used to determine optical properties, i.e. absorbance, reflectance and transmittance of MoS2 layer in the THz range. The whole structure includes two semi-infinite SiO2 and air with monolayer MoS2 in between. We found that the maximum absorption to be as low as 2.5×10-6 which appears in internal reflection for TE mode closed to the critical angle. Such low amount of absorption suggests application of such layer in opto-electronics devices especially in transparent electrodes and other electronics elements.


Main Subjects

Volume 6, Special Issue (1)
First national conference of nanophysics and metamaterial from simulation to industry 10/2015
December 2016
Pages 7-12
  • Receive Date: 02 December 2015
  • Revise Date: 12 February 2016
  • Accept Date: 12 December 2016