Studying synthesized ‎Bi1.64Pb0.36Sr2Ca2-xCdxCu3O10 superconductor properties using the sol-gel method

Document Type : Full length research Paper


1 Student

2 Mermber of Faculty


The sol-gel technique has been used in the preparation of Cd doped Bi1.64Pb0.36Sr2Ca2-xCdxCu3O10 ceramic superconductors. In this study, the value of doping Cd has been varied from x = 0-0.2 at different annealing times (32, 48, 56 and 64h) for preparing samples. To find the temperature of annealing, TGA analysis has been done from dried gel. Analysis of XDR and SEM has been done to study the morphology and microstructur of samples. The results of XRD indicated that the maximum values of the Bi-2223 phase percent was obtained for sample doped with x = 0.02 Cd. Also, the study of SEM images shows that this sample has a plate like structure which is caused increase in the critical current density. The critical current density and the critical temperature of samples have been measured by four-probe method. The results show that the sample which was doped with x = 0.02 has maximum value of percentage of Bi – 2223 phase, critical current density and critical temperature


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