Investigation of the electron distribution function Effect on the Collisional Absorption in laser- driven fusion

Document Type : Full length research Paper


Nuclear Group, faculty of physics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


Inertial confinement fusion is driven by laser or heavy ion beams. In the laser driven- fusion, one of the important points is to absorb laser energy as much as possible. Collisional absorption is an essential mechanism for absorption of laser energy into the target in the critical surface. In this paper, using kinetic theory, the collisional absorption is theoretically studied in an unmagnified and uniform plasma. Collisional absorption is compared for two different one-dimensional Maxwellian and q non-extensive distribution functions and linearly polarized light laser. Our results show that higher absorption is obtained for q non-extensive distribution function and this difference will be more with increasing of q value. Also, the effect of the Coulomb logarithm and laser wavelength are considered on the collisional absorption coefficient. The absorption value will decrease with increasing of the laser wavelength and also the Coulomb logarithm value has direct relation with the absorption value of energy.


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