Intra-molecular magnetic coupling pathways in the magnetic molecule tripyridinium bis[tetrachloroferrate(III)] chloride via analysis of density of states (DOS)

Document Type : Full length research Paper


Condensed Matter Dep., Faculty of Physics, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


The electronic charge transfer between the magnetic sites is essential for controllability of the magnetic molecules. Through an analytical study of the density of states (DOS) of the different parts of magnetic molecule [py.H]3[FeCl4]2Cl, the electronic transitions corresponding to the induced magnetization curve under the irradiation of light (Faraday rotation), we illustrate the plausible intra-molecular superexchange pathways inside the molecule. A qualitative justification of large superexchange seen previously in the molecule is addressed by employing a method for deciding the plausible pathway for magnetic coupling between magnetic centers. Results of the present work justify the previous theoretical predictions made in previous works making use of different graphical methods.


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