Super Quantum Discord Behaviors in Two-Qubit Heisenberg XYZ Model with Intrinsic Decoherence

Document Type : Full length research Paper


Department of Physics, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil


In this paper, dynamics of super-quantum discord in Heisenberg model that has Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, we will study the influence of environmental decoherence by taking Lyndblad equation. We consider Werner state as the initial state of the system. By calculating the time evolution of the system, we figure out the influence of mixture degree r on the dynamics such as super quantum discord, quantum discord and cancurrence. A remarkable result is that when the initial state is Bell state the concurrence decays from 1 to a minimum value close to 0 but the super-quantum discord and quantum discord vanish. This is contrary to recent results obtained.
The effect of coupling between the quantum system and environment on super-quantum discord based on interaction parameters. The results show that the magnitude of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction that represents the interaction of spin-orbit interaction, has played a significant role the amount of super quantum discord.


Main Subjects

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