Study of\Sigma\pi invariant mass spectrum of in-flight kaon interaction on the deuteron target

Document Type : Full length research Paper


1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord 115

2 Department of Physics, Faculty of Basic Sciences,Shahrekord University, Shahrekord,115


In this article, using the coupled-channel procedure, invariant mass spectra of in-flight kaon interaction on the deuteron target is investigated. In the calculation of interaction cross section, two processes as one- and two-interaction process are considered. The one-interaction process dominate at low values momenta of the incident kaon whereas the two-interaction contribution is not negligible at high values and both processes should be considered in the total cross section amplitude. By using analysis and considering of population, the sub-threshold theoretical invariant mass spectra are fitted to Braun’s data that the mass and width of are respectively extracted and . Although the present result, is fairly good agreement with the results of the chiral models, but does not consistent with the current value of the Particle Data Group.


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