Analyzing of ground state of unstable isotopes 24-28Ne in the single neutron-knockout reaction

Document Type : Full length research Paper


1 Physics Department,Faculty of Science, Shahrekord University

2 graduated student


In this study, the ground states of five non-stable isotopes (Ne) were analyzed using single neutron-knockout reaction data. Initially, using the Glauber optical model, single particle cross sections are calculated in two steps. Then spectroscopy factor of each single particle state was extracted by shell model code OXBASH . The combination of these two quantities were compared with the experimental data. The abundance percent of ground states of residual nucleus(fragment) A-1 is more than its excited states( more than 60%). The contribution of break up is more than elastic scattering. The even isotopes show more agreement than odd ones . With attention to low variance of single particle cross sections to energy ( to %) , the more contribution of disagreement may be assigned to the uncertain of nuclear density


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