Thermal properties of graphene nanowiggles

Document Type : Full length research Paper


1 University of Kashan

2 Department of Physics, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran


This paper studies the theory of thermal properties of graphene nanowiggles, with Zigzag edge and Armchair in different size and geometry. In order to calculate the phonon dispersion spectrum, specific heat and thermal conductivity properties, we use the four-nearest-neighbor force-constant model and Landauer theory calculations. The results show that the thermal properties studied differ significantly compared to complete nanoribbons, especially at low frequencies. In detail, in acoustic modes, the thermal conductivity and the transmission coefficient of the phonon reduce sensitively due to the special structures of the edge in compared to the perfect nanoribbons which causes the dispersion of the phonon from the edges. There are also significant changes in the of thermal capacity, and calculating the out-of-plane and in-plane phonon modes also shows that the in-plane phonon modes play a greater role in the thermal conductivity. These results can be useful in improvement and designing electronic and thermoelectric nanodevices.


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