Noise Effect on Fidelity of Quantum Teleportation Through Entangled Coherent Channel

Document Type : Full length research Paper


Department of Physics, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran


Quantum teleportation is the transmission and reconstruction of the state of a quantum system over arbitrary distances. Since the possibility of transferring quantum information is one of the foundations of the emerging new fields of science such as quantum communication and quantum computation, in this article quantum teleportation of a qubit via the entangled channel will be investigated. To this aim, we will use two-mode entangled coherent channels generated by beam splitter and Kerr medium. It will be shown that the amount of entanglement and fidelity of quantum teleportation depend on the intensity of coherent state so when the intensity of coherent state increases sharply (p→0), the entanglement and the average fidelity become maximum, F_max=1.
On the other hand, considering the fact that real physical systems are always affected by their surroundings, investigation of the effects of environment, as a source of quantum dissipation on entanglement and fidelity will be very important. In this article, the effects of amplitude damping on average fidelity of quantum teleportation will be analyzed. The results show that the average fidelity is decreased by increasing amplitude damping. Moreover, the loss of fidelity of maximally entangled channels is more than that of non-maximally entangled channels.


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