Study of different parameters of Tokamak IR-T1 Plasma using Passive Spectroscopy technique

Document Type : Full length research Paper


1 Department of Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Basic sciences, University of Mazandaran, P. O. Box 47415-416, Babolsar, Iran

2 Department of Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Basic sciences, University of Mazandaran, ,Babolsar, Iran

3 Plasma Physics Research Center, Science & research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


In this study, using the passive spectroscopic method, a two-channel visible light channel Ava-Spec-ULS3648TEC-2-RS-USB2, high-emission spectral line set, to detect the presence of carbon, nitrogen, Oxygen, iron, chromium and tungsten have been identified in the IR-T1 tokamak plasma. Spectroscopic operations were performed during the period of electrical discharge inside the tokamak plasma. After performing the fitting and normalization, the effective width (FWHM) is calculated for each spectral line. Using Doppler broadening profiles and instrument, the hydrogen temperature is obtained at 4.4 eV, which is comparable to the results of COMPASS and ISTTOK tokamak. By calculating the Doppler broadening profiles and instrument, and using the information from the spectral lines, the ionic impurity temperature at the edge of the IR-T1 tokamak plasma is estimated at about 2.3 eV and at the core at about 40eV.
Then, the effect of variation of biasing voltage on the FWHM of hydrogen (Hβ) - Stark broadening - and the effect of variation of magnetic field on the FWHM of iron ion (Fe I) - Zeeman broadband- are investigated. The results show the dependence of the radiation intensity and the temperature of the hydrogen on the biasing voltage.


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