Measurement of Excitation Function of 94Mo(p,n) 94mTc Reaction using Stacked foil Method

Document Type : Full length research Paper


1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Arak University, Arak, Iran

2 Applied radiation section, Department of Science and Technology Research, Iranian Atomic Energy Organization, Tehran, Iran


Among radioisotopes, the technetium isotopes have a special place because of the variety of kits they are labeled with. Recent advances in the field of chemotherapy for radioimmunoassay and the development of technology for PET imaging in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases a great attention has been imposed on 94mTc( Iβ+ =72%; Eβ+=2.47 MeV; T1/2 = 52.5 min) as a positron emitter radioisotope of technetium. In this research employing natural molybdenum target has been measured excitation function of natMo(p,n) 94mTc using stacked foils method for 6.4 MeV to 17.4 MeV rang of proton energy and then the excitation function 94Mo (p, n) 94mTc was determined in this energy range. The energy of protons on each of the target stack foils was determined using SRIM software. The cross section for this interaction varied from 21 to 511 mb. The comparison of measured value of excitation function of 94Mo(p,n) 94mTc in this research with the results of two other research groups employing enrichment targets shows reasonable agreement


Main Subjects

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