Photon Added Qutrit Like Entangled Coherent States of Light

Document Type : Full length research Paper


1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Physics, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran

3 Department of Physics, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, PO Box 51745-406, Tabriz, Iran


In this study, we introduce a new class of two-mode qutrit-like entangled states based on the `Near' coherent states. They link to a specific class of non-classical states, namely, photon added coherent states, which makes them capable candidates in quantum information processes. Based on these states, various superpositions such as the two-qubit entangled states, have been introduced and studied by various authorities, which is evidence for their valuable quantum properties. Therefore, based on the above-mentioned relationship and the emergence of controllable non-classical properties of these states, in this work, we seek to analyze the effect of adding photons to two-qutrit entangled states. For this purpose, we present a general analysis of non-classical properties such as the photon statistics and entanglement with emphases on the control role of the shift parameter of these states. We apply the generalized I-concurrence measure to quantify the entanglement and the condition in which quantum entanglement can be enhanced and maximized. Comparing with some cases already discussed in the literature, we can see that the photon addition, which is equivalent to selecting a specific shift parameter, plays an important role in non-classical effects, and this operation can be applied to enhance and preserve the entanglement.


Main Subjects

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