The study of azimuthal correlation contribution in polarized top quark decay: Search for new physics

Document Type : Full length research Paper


1 Department of physics, Yazd university, Yazd, Iran

2 Faculty of Physics, Yazd University, P.O. Box 89195-741, Yazd, Iran


The study of polarized top quark decay could be considered as a new channel to search for new physics. According to the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, top quark in a cascade process as decays into a bottom quark and -boson so in the following, -boson decays in a lepton pair (or a quark-antiquark) and bottom hadronizes into an observable bottom-flavored hadron (in most cases a B-meson). Through this paper, we first present an overview on the polarized top quark decay and then study the azimuthal correlation between the event plane, formed by the vectors , and the polar plane constructed by the vectors . We will investigate the effect of right-chiral quark current which is absent in the SM. We will show that this non-SM effect leads to nonzero values for the azimuthal correlation contribution at leading-order perturbation theory.


Main Subjects

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