Keyword Index


  • Acid citric An investigation of molar ratio acid citric on the structure, magnetic and dielectric properties SrNi2Fe16O27 nanostructure [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 35-48]
  • Aluminum Arsenide Ab initio calculations of structural, phase transition, phonon and thermodynamic properties of AlAs [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 59-65]
  • Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons The effect of vacancies on magnetic properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 57-63]
  • Auto combustion sol– gel technique An investigation of molar ratio acid citric on the structure, magnetic and dielectric properties SrNi2Fe16O27 nanostructure [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 35-48]


  • Band structure The effect of vacancies on magnetic properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 57-63]
  • Barium tungstate Optical phonon modes in BaWO4 crystal [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 49-55]
  • Broadband spectra Influence of using double-negative materials on optical and magneto-optical spectra of magnetophotonic crystals with longitudinal magnetization [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 25-30]
  • Bulk modulus Calculation the electronic structure of KNbO3 in cubic phase by using Full Potential-Linearized augmented plan wave method [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 33-39]


  • Cadmium Selenide quantum dots Synthesize and characterization of CdSe QDs for enhancing Solar cell efficiency [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 113-120]
  • Carbon ceramic electrode A new nano biosensore for determination of L-cysteine on gold nanoparticles- modified carbon ceramic electrode [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 87-92]
  • Carbon nanotubes A first-principles study on the role of Ni-decoration in methane sensing properties of carbon nanotubes [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 107-112]
  • Carbo thermal reduction Growth Of Zinc Oxid Nanostructures By Carbothermal Reduction Technique On Copper Nanosheet: Optical And Structural Characterizations [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 121-125]
  • CdTe Characterization and optical properties of Cadmium Telluride nanopowders synthesized via hydrothermal method [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 73-80]
  • Charge states Investigation of charge and magnetic states of Fe atom doped rutile TiO2 [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 101-109]
  • Charmonium Ground state energy shift of charmonium on noncommutative space [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 11-14]
  • Close Coupling Formation of Positronium atom by Close-Coupling method In low energy with Positron-Hydrogen atom impact [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 33-43]
  • Copper Nano sheet Growth Of Zinc Oxid Nanostructures By Carbothermal Reduction Technique On Copper Nanosheet: Optical And Structural Characterizations [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 121-125]
  • Corrected Boundary Conditions Positronium formation in electron capture from Methane molecule: Calculating partial differential and total cross section calculation of the first-order electron and nuclear amplitudes [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 23-34]
  • Coumarin Size effect on optical spectrum of coumarin nano molecule dyes via TD-DFTB and turbo-TDDFT approaches [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 15-31]


  • Density functional perturbation theory Optical phonon modes in BaWO4 crystal [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 49-55]
  • Density functional theory A first-principles study on the role of Ni-decoration in methane sensing properties of carbon nanotubes [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 107-112]
  • Density functional theory Computational and Theoretical Study of Electronic, Spectroscopic and Chemical Properties of (ZnO)n (n≤4) nanoclusters [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 11-20]
  • Density functional theory Investigation of structural , electronic and phononic properties of InN in wurtzite [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 27-32]
  • Density functional theory Calculation the electronic structure of KNbO3 in cubic phase by using Full Potential-Linearized augmented plan wave method [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 33-39]
  • Density functional theory The effect of vacancies on magnetic properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 57-63]
  • Density functional theory Investigation of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Sr2NiWO6 double perovskite using ab initio calculations [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 75-82]
  • Density functional theory Investigation of Structural and magnetic properties of graphene Nanoribbons doped with Fe atoms [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 83-91]
  • Density function theory Investigation of charge and magnetic states of Fe atom doped rutile TiO2 [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 101-109]
  • Density of States Computational and Theoretical Study of Electronic, Spectroscopic and Chemical Properties of (ZnO)n (n≤4) nanoclusters [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 11-20]
  • Density of States The effect of vacancies on magnetic properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 57-63]
  • Dielectric function Quantum screening of one dimensional electron gas of ZnO and InAs nanowires in dielectric environment [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 1-6]
  • Diluted magnetic semiconductors Investigation of charge and magnetic states of Fe atom doped rutile TiO2 [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 101-109]
  • Double perovskite Investigation of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Sr2NiWO6 double perovskite using ab initio calculations [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 75-82]
  • Dye sensitized solar cell Size effect on optical spectrum of coumarin nano molecule dyes via TD-DFTB and turbo-TDDFT approaches [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 15-31]


  • Electromagnetic absorber Design of an Electromagnetic absorber with Nano-Composite Materials Using Modified Local Particle Swarm Optimization and Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 93-105]
  • Electron Capture Positronium formation in electron capture from Methane molecule: Calculating partial differential and total cross section calculation of the first-order electron and nuclear amplitudes [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 23-34]
  • Electron Capture Formation of Positronium atom by Close-Coupling method In low energy with Positron-Hydrogen atom impact [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 33-43]
  • Electron gas Quantum screening of one dimensional electron gas of ZnO and InAs nanowires in dielectric environment [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 1-6]
  • Electrostriction mechanism The Study of Optoacoustic Excitation and Generation of First and Second Sound Waves in Superfluid Helium4 Considering Electrostriction Mechanism [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 45-58]


  • FDTD The influence of silver nanopyramids on the optical absorption in the plasmonic organic photovoltaic cells [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 63-70]
  • Fe doping Investigation of Structural and magnetic properties of graphene Nanoribbons doped with Fe atoms [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 83-91]
  • Fe Nanocluster Study of electronic structures, magnetic properties and magic numbers in small iron clusters: A spin-polarized density functional study [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 65-72]
  • Ferrite Investigation of chromium doping effect on the structural and magnetic properties of MnFe2-xCrxO4 ferrite nanoparticles [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 1-9]
  • First Principles Calculations The effect of vacancies on magnetic properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 57-63]
  • Fock space The electronic conductance of a nanowire including vibrating surface atoms [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 1-6]
  • Fresnel coefficients Investigation of THz waves propagation in MoS2 monolayer between two dielectric media [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 7-12]


  • Gold nanoparticle A new nano biosensore for determination of L-cysteine on gold nanoparticles- modified carbon ceramic electrode [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 87-92]
  • Graphene Designing Graphene-based Metamaterials with Tunable Optical Properties [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 127-134]
  • Green function Transport in quantum dots resonant tunneling diodes [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 21-25]
  • Green’s function The electronic conductance of a nanowire including vibrating surface atoms [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 1-6]
  • Green’s function The Study of Electronic Conductance of a Three Terminal Nanowire [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 13-17]
  • Green’s function Electronic conductance of a linear triatomic molecule at nonzero temperatures [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 31-36]
  • Green’s function Analytical study of the electronic transport of poly-para-phenylene at the second neighbor approximation [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 37-41]


  • Hubbard parameter Investigation of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Sr2NiWO6 double perovskite using ab initio calculations [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 75-82]


  • InN Investigation of structural , electronic and phononic properties of InN in wurtzite [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 27-32]
  • Iron-based superconductors Josephson Effect in Two-Gap Iron-Based Superconductors [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 51-55]
  • Isomer shift Investigation of charge and magnetic states of Fe atom doped rutile TiO2 [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 101-109]


  • Josephson effect Josephson Effect in Two-Gap Iron-Based Superconductors [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 51-55]


  • KNbO3 Calculation the electronic structure of KNbO3 in cubic phase by using Full Potential-Linearized augmented plan wave method [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 33-39]


  • Lattice constant Calculation the electronic structure of KNbO3 in cubic phase by using Full Potential-Linearized augmented plan wave method [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 33-39]
  • L-cysteine A new nano biosensore for determination of L-cysteine on gold nanoparticles- modified carbon ceramic electrode [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 87-92]
  • Low Energies Formation of Positronium atom by Close-Coupling method In low energy with Positron-Hydrogen atom impact [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 33-43]


  • M2 factor Numerical investigation of the M2 factor of paraxial Ince-Gaussian beams [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 7-14]
  • Magnetic moments Study of electronic structures, magnetic properties and magic numbers in small iron clusters: A spin-polarized density functional study [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 65-72]
  • Magnetic properties Investigation of Structural and magnetic properties of graphene Nanoribbons doped with Fe atoms [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 83-91]
  • Magnetophotonic crystals Influence of using double-negative materials on optical and magneto-optical spectra of magnetophotonic crystals with longitudinal magnetization [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 25-30]
  • Metamaterial Designing Graphene-based Metamaterials with Tunable Optical Properties [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 127-134]
  • Methane Gas Sensor A first-principles study on the role of Ni-decoration in methane sensing properties of carbon nanotubes [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 107-112]
  • Methane Molecular Positronium formation in electron capture from Methane molecule: Calculating partial differential and total cross section calculation of the first-order electron and nuclear amplitudes [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 23-34]
  • Molar ratio An investigation of molar ratio acid citric on the structure, magnetic and dielectric properties SrNi2Fe16O27 nanostructure [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 35-48]
  • Monolayer MoS2 Investigation of THz waves propagation in MoS2 monolayer between two dielectric media [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 7-12]


  • Nano biosensor A new nano biosensore for determination of L-cysteine on gold nanoparticles- modified carbon ceramic electrode [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 87-92]
  • Nano-composite Design of an Electromagnetic absorber with Nano-Composite Materials Using Modified Local Particle Swarm Optimization and Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 93-105]
  • Nanoparticles An investigation of molar ratio acid citric on the structure, magnetic and dielectric properties SrNi2Fe16O27 nanostructure [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 35-48]
  • Nanoparticles Investigation of chromium doping effect on the structural and magnetic properties of MnFe2-xCrxO4 ferrite nanoparticles [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 1-9]
  • Nanopyramid The influence of silver nanopyramids on the optical absorption in the plasmonic organic photovoltaic cells [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 63-70]
  • Nanowire Quantum screening of one dimensional electron gas of ZnO and InAs nanowires in dielectric environment [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 1-6]
  • Negative refractive index materials Influence of using double-negative materials on optical and magneto-optical spectra of magnetophotonic crystals with longitudinal magnetization [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 25-30]
  • Nickel A first-principles study on the role of Ni-decoration in methane sensing properties of carbon nanotubes [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 107-112]
  • Noncommutative space parameter Ground state energy shift of charmonium on noncommutative space [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 11-14]
  • Nonrelativistic model Ground state energy shift of charmonium on noncommutative space [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 11-14]


  • Permittivity Designing Graphene-based Metamaterials with Tunable Optical Properties [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 127-134]
  • Phase transition Ab initio calculations of structural, phase transition, phonon and thermodynamic properties of AlAs [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 59-65]
  • Phonon frequencies Optical phonon modes in BaWO4 crystal [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 49-55]
  • Photo luminescence Growth Of Zinc Oxid Nanostructures By Carbothermal Reduction Technique On Copper Nanosheet: Optical And Structural Characterizations [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 121-125]
  • Photo voltaic cell Synthesize and characterization of CdSe QDs for enhancing Solar cell efficiency [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 113-120]
  • Plasmonics The influence of silver nanopyramids on the optical absorption in the plasmonic organic photovoltaic cells [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 63-70]
  • Positronium Positronium formation in electron capture from Methane molecule: Calculating partial differential and total cross section calculation of the first-order electron and nuclear amplitudes [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 23-34]
  • Potential Ground state energy shift of charmonium on noncommutative space [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 11-14]
  • PVD Structural and optical properties of ZnS thin films prepared by two different methods of PVD and spray pyrolysis [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 15-21]


  • Quadrupole splitting Investigation of charge and magnetic states of Fe atom doped rutile TiO2 [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 101-109]


  • Scattering Cross Section Formation of Positronium atom by Close-Coupling method In low energy with Positron-Hydrogen atom impact [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 33-43]
  • Schro ̈dinger equation Ground state energy shift of charmonium on noncommutative space [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 11-14]
  • Slit-ring Designing Graphene-based Metamaterials with Tunable Optical Properties [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 127-134]
  • Sol-gel An investigation the effect of annealing temperature on the structural and magnetic properties of lead spinel ferrite nanoparticles (PbFe2O4) [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 43-51]
  • Sound The Study of Optoacoustic Excitation and Generation of First and Second Sound Waves in Superfluid Helium4 Considering Electrostriction Mechanism [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 45-58]
  • S-Parameter Designing Graphene-based Metamaterials with Tunable Optical Properties [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 127-134]
  • Spin-polarized density functional theory Study of electronic structures, magnetic properties and magic numbers in small iron clusters: A spin-polarized density functional study [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 65-72]
  • Spray pyrolysis Structural and optical properties of ZnS thin films prepared by two different methods of PVD and spray pyrolysis [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 15-21]
  • Structural and optical properties Structural and optical properties of ZnS thin films prepared by two different methods of PVD and spray pyrolysis [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 15-21]
  • Superfluid helium The Study of Optoacoustic Excitation and Generation of First and Second Sound Waves in Superfluid Helium4 Considering Electrostriction Mechanism [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 45-58]
  • Super paramagnetic Investigation of chromium doping effect on the structural and magnetic properties of MnFe2-xCrxO4 ferrite nanoparticles [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 1-9]
  • Super spin-glass Investigation of chromium doping effect on the structural and magnetic properties of MnFe2-xCrxO4 ferrite nanoparticles [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 1-9]


  • Thermodynamic properties Ab initio calculations of structural, phase transition, phonon and thermodynamic properties of AlAs [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 59-65]
  • Thin films Structural and optical properties of ZnS thin films prepared by two different methods of PVD and spray pyrolysis [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 15-21]
  • Thomas-Fermi approximation Statistical study of two-dimensional electron gas within Thomas-Fermi approximation [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 93-99]
  • Time-Dependent Density-Functional method Size effect on optical spectrum of coumarin nano molecule dyes via TD-DFTB and turbo-TDDFT approaches [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 15-31]
  • Time-Dependent Density-Functional Tight-Binding method Size effect on optical spectrum of coumarin nano molecule dyes via TD-DFTB and turbo-TDDFT approaches [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 15-31]
  • Trial wave function Ground state energy shift of charmonium on noncommutative space [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 11-14]
  • Tunabiltiy Designing Graphene-based Metamaterials with Tunable Optical Properties [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 127-134]


  • Variational method Ground state energy shift of charmonium on noncommutative space [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 11-14]
  • Vibrational frequencies Computational and Theoretical Study of Electronic, Spectroscopic and Chemical Properties of (ZnO)n (n≤4) nanoclusters [Volume 6, Special Issue (2), 2016, Pages 11-20]


  • Wave equations The Study of Optoacoustic Excitation and Generation of First and Second Sound Waves in Superfluid Helium4 Considering Electrostriction Mechanism [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 45-58]
  • Wavelength Growth Of Zinc Oxid Nanostructures By Carbothermal Reduction Technique On Copper Nanosheet: Optical And Structural Characterizations [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 121-125]
  • W-type hexaferrite An investigation of molar ratio acid citric on the structure, magnetic and dielectric properties SrNi2Fe16O27 nanostructure [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 35-48]


  • Zeolite Fabrication, structural and electrical investigation of zeolite Y [Volume 6, Special Issue (1), 2016, Pages 19-24]
  • ZnS Structural and optical properties of ZnS thin films prepared by two different methods of PVD and spray pyrolysis [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 15-21]