Electronic conductance of a linear triatomic molecule at nonzero temperatures

Document Type : supplement



In this paper, we obtain electronic transport of a linear triatomic molecule which is located between two semi-infinite simple leads by using the standard Green's function at the tight binding approach. Also, we investigate the effect of electron–phonon interaction and temperature on electronic transport of molecule in the adiabatic regime. The results show that by increasing the strength of e-ph interaction, the rate of the electron scattering increases due to the vibration of atoms so the transmission coefficient decreases for all energies except the edges of the energy band. Also by decreasing the temperature and reducing in atomic vibration, electron scattering declines, then electron conductance increases.


Volume 6, Special Issue (1)
First national conference of nanophysics and metamaterial from simulation to industry 10/2015
December 2016
Pages 31-36
  • Receive Date: 30 November 2015
  • Revise Date: 17 April 2016
  • Accept Date: 12 December 2016