Sr and Hf contributions to piezoelectric response of tetragonal SrHfO3

Document Type : Full length research Paper


1 Department of Basic Science, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 Malek Ashtar university, Shiraz, Iran


In this paper, the contribution of Sr and Hf atoms in piezoelectric properties of tetragonal SrHfO3 with P4mm space group, were investigated by using first principle calculations based on density functional perturbation theory. Lattice constants, Born effective charges, piezoelectric constant and Sr and Hf contributions in total polarization and piezoelectric coefficient were calculated. Our results show that tetragonal SrHfO3 has piezoelectric property and its polarization and piezoelectricity mainly come from Hf atoms. The effect of lattice constant changes on polarization and piezoelectric constant were also studied. It was found that polarization and piezoelectric constant enhance by increasing lattice parameter and at c=4.5 Å, Sr atom contributes 50% of the total piezoelectric constant. This behavior assigns to significant covalent bonding between Sr and surrounding O atoms.


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