We investigate the radiative heat transfer in systems of magneto-optical nanoparticles. The resonance of surface modes due to an external magnetic field results in an anisotropic optical response of these nanoparticles. Using the many-body radiative heat transfer theory, we have investigated the influence of the magnitude and the direction of an external magnetic field on the steady state temperature of system of magneto-optical nanoparticles. Moreover, the influence of configuration symmetry breaking (with change of nanoparticles size) on the net heat exchange and temperatures are investigated in a three body system and the results are compared to that of symmetrical system.
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Nikbakht, M. , Rezaee, M. , Zolghadri, N. and Naeimi, A. (2021). Influence of magnetic field on the radiative heat transfer in system of magneto-optical nanoparticles. Journal of Research on Many-body Systems, 11(1), 139-150. doi: 10.22055/jrmbs.2021.16789
Nikbakht, M. , , Rezaee, M. , , Zolghadri, N. , and Naeimi, A. . "Influence of magnetic field on the radiative heat transfer in system of magneto-optical nanoparticles", Journal of Research on Many-body Systems, 11, 1, 2021, 139-150. doi: 10.22055/jrmbs.2021.16789
Nikbakht, M., Rezaee, M., Zolghadri, N., Naeimi, A. (2021). 'Influence of magnetic field on the radiative heat transfer in system of magneto-optical nanoparticles', Journal of Research on Many-body Systems, 11(1), pp. 139-150. doi: 10.22055/jrmbs.2021.16789
M. Nikbakht , M. Rezaee , N. Zolghadri and A. Naeimi, "Influence of magnetic field on the radiative heat transfer in system of magneto-optical nanoparticles," Journal of Research on Many-body Systems, 11 1 (2021): 139-150, doi: 10.22055/jrmbs.2021.16789
Nikbakht, M., Rezaee, M., Zolghadri, N., Naeimi, A. Influence of magnetic field on the radiative heat transfer in system of magneto-optical nanoparticles. Journal of Research on Many-body Systems, 2021; 11(1): 139-150. doi: 10.22055/jrmbs.2021.16789