Multi kinks collision in sinh-deformed φ^4 model

Document Type : Full length research Paper


1 Department of physics, Islamic Azad University, Quchan Branch

2 Department of Physics, Faculty of Montazeri Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Khorasan Razavi, IRAN

3 Faculty member, Department of Physics, Payam Noor University,


We study the kinks collisions up to five kinks and antikinks of the sinh-deformed φ^4 model numerically. In our simulations we observe reflection and bound state formation depending on the number of kinks and their initial conditions. The results show that the energy density at the point of collision is the maximum, which for odd (even) kinks appears in the form of potential energy density (kinetic energy density). The values of total energy density and elastic strain energy density of the φ^4 and sinh-deformed φ^4 models are almost the same, but the values of kinetic energy density in collisions of odd number of kinks and potential energy density in collisions of even number of kinks are different for these two models.


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